Women on Earth
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Welcome to WE ! creation

Women on Earth features designs, accessories, jewelry, decorative objects... light years from mass production.

This space exclusively showcases high quality articles that are original, one-of-a-kind or limited editions only.

Enter the Boutique and make your selection in just a couple of clicks !

Are you a designer ?
Open up your own Personal Boutique !

Exhibit my designs on WE ! creation

The Women on Earth Boutique is exclusively dedicated to women designers, providing global visibility and the opportunity to exhibit, promote and sell designs.

On-line exhibition of designs on WE ! is free of charge.

On-line exhibition implies no exclusivity, aside from designs on which a potential customer has placed an “intent to purchase” on our website.

No exhibition time limits, and featured designs can be updated at will.

Exhibition requests are subject to designer's acceptance of our binding General Exhibition Terms and Conditions (E.T.C. WE ! creation), and subject to approval by the Women on Earth team.

Do you want to open your Personal Boutique ?

It’s very simple !

If you’re not a member, click on : « Register now ! »

Following registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, with your identifiers to keep for your records (e-mail address and password).

Upon receipt, you can access your profile, create your Personal Boutique and start contributing to the various sections.

To facilitate opening your Boutique, please input information carefully and accurately.

You will receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of your request to open your Boutique.

Following examination and approval, you will receive an e-mail announcing on-line activation of your Personal Boutique.

Approvals are in line with Women on Earth’s content policy, and non-admission is in no way based on judgment of the applicant’s artistic quality or relevance.

Thank you for your interest in WE ! creation, and we hope to have you on board soon !

The Boutique
Portrait in focus
WE! face

WE ! face
> Ana Gloria Salvia

E ! go in sight

E ! Go
> daniela dente

Artist in the fore
WE! art

WE ! art
> Ana Gloria Salvia

Words on line

Un jour tu te réveil, et tu sais que les choses doivent changer. Dire stop, se délivrer, un jour la force naît. S\'extirper des filets de la déchéance, briser les chaines de la souffrance, abandonner les peines, la haine et les douleurs. Prendre cons (...)

WE ! write
"Prise de vie"
> Cannelle Roumilhac

How to buy ?