Women on Earth
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WE ! link se fait le relais d'organismes spécialisés sur la question de la Femme pour faire connaître leurs actions au plus grand nombre.

WE ! link permet par ailleurs de créer les passerelles pour toute initiative, à titre individuel ou professionnel.

Vivons solidaires !

Partage de compétences, conseils, financements, jusqu'à des participations directes sur le terrain, agissons selon nos moyens et notre sensibilité.

La fréquentation de notre site, la contribution active à son contenu et la diffusion de notre lien permettent à Women on Earth de concourir encore plus efficacement à ces missions.

Les organismes que nous soutenons !
Women United for Future of the Middle East


We are a group of feminists from a few countries in the Middle East, getting together to create a regional feminist alliance (Women United for the Future of the Middle East), in these incredible times of struggle, victory and hope. Inspired by the power of people who transformed our region and our world in the past few weeks, we urgently feel the need for a feminist intervention in these defining times. Most of us are young women who build our efforts to end women’s oppression on a long history of women’s struggles, in the Middle East and throughout the world. Our first collective action is taking to the streets of the Middle East on the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, 8 March 2011.

What can you do?

If you are a member of a feminist/women’s organization or network in the Middle East/North Africa, please join us. There are already marches planned in many countries. We want to unite our actions. Please send this invitation to other organizations you know.

If you are a feminist organization in other parts of the world, please support us by signing our call, and mentioning us in your 8 March events.

If you are a well-known individual feminist, please sign our call. Your names are precious to us.

Finally, you can reach out to media and spread the news of our united presence on the streets of the Middle East/North Africa.

Write to us at womenum@gmail.com. Send us the name and possibly the logo of your organization.

Les initiatives