Women on Earth
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Welcome to Women on Earth

« The cosmopolitan crossroads representing women in the world, borderless affirmations of cultural diversity and reality, lives and achievements, human and artistic encounters, intersecting experiences and ideas amongst women from all walks of life and all backgrounds. »

Women on Earth is a women’s website that is creative and interactive, welcoming open and talented minds !

Visit The WE ! art Gallery Treat yourself to original artworks by our international artists.
If you are an artist and want to exhibit your work, open your own Personal Gallery !

Explore The WE ! face Portrait Mosaic and, with just one click, discover the personal space of women from across the world through their E ! gos.
Tell us about your unique self ! Help us grow this fascinating, iconic, multi-faceted collage !

Consider The WE ! write Publications Space,check out stories, articles, testimonials, etc. and feel free to post your own texts !

Come into The WE ! creation Boutique Acquire our designers’ one-of-a-kind or limited edition designs.
Are you a designer ? Share your work with the world, open up your own Personal Boutique !

Please visit WE ! link our space spotlighting women’s issues organizations. Support these organizations and spread the word !

Connect with us in our WE ! talk discussion forum !

WE ! A state of mind that’s... « decidedly for women ».

Don't miss it... on WE ! art
WE ! art

> Sophie-Charlotte Capdevielle

WE ! art

> Giovanna Aresu

WE ! art

"Abstract #25"
> Anne Papalia

Check it out... on WE ! face, WE ! write and WE ! creation

WE ! face

WE ! write

WE ! creation

WE! face

> Aurélie Lemille

La prima cosa che sentì fu il sangue che, caldo, si mischiava alla saliva. Deglutì, e quel sapore dolciastro, ferroso, le fece salire un gradino sulla scala della coscienza. Istintivamente, con la lingua, controllò che i denti fossero a posto. Sì, c’ (...)

"Sorres (estratto)"
> Giuseppina Arangino

WE ! creation

"Bracelet chaîne"
> Karen Marek

Première foulée sur ton asphalte qui recouvre tes pavés Jeune adulte provinciale M’engouffrant dans ton ventre tu m'offres tout tes boyaux Courant après ton bus qui chatouille ton échine Je ris Vertige haussmannien De ta terre à ton ciel tes so (...)

> Sandy BC

WE ! creation

"Anaya la chamane"
> Erolf Totort

Les philosophes, de l’antiquité à nos jours, ont continûment exprimé leurs réserves sur une théorie du beau (esthétique) qui serait claire et solide. Platon, tout en associant le beau au bien, sépare la logique (Noêta) de la sensation (Aistesis). Cet (...)

"Le beau est-il universel ? "
> Fabienne Le Houérou

WE ! creation

"La giraffe"
> Erolf Totort

Artist in the fore
WE! art

WE ! art
> Kismet Nakai

Portrait in focus
WE! face

WE ! face
> Elisabeth Champierrre

E ! go in sight

E ! Go
> vanessa laborde

Designer feature
WE! creation

WE ! creation
> Erolf Totort

Words on line

Non riesco a fare a meno di pensare a lui. E non capisco come può ancora succedere. Dopo tutto quello che è accaduto. Dopo che si è dimostrato palesemente e senza ombra di dubbio che non gli interesso minimamente. Non perché è sposato. Non si è fatto (...)

WE ! write
"Pensare a lui"
> Paola Prinzivalli